Warehouse life is feudal
Warehouse life is feudal

warehouse life is feudal

Only direct attacks on another character with punches, items (e.g. In case of upcoming claim resolutions/collapse, arrangements for sole access/looting are forbidden.

warehouse life is feudal

If unsure/uncertain either leave it alone or ask GM. Settlement (perimeter unfinished monument) of new players may not be looted for 3 days. Stumps of all types of vegetation must be dug out immediately after felling, both outside and inside the claims. For tree species with spreading foliage (oak, elm, maple, hazelnut) 2 tiles. tree trunks must be either completely processed or taken away.ĭistance from tree to tree at least 1 tile in each direction, including diagonally. in Koenygshayn.ī) for earth spoil you can order a warehouse from the GMs.ĥ. No lanterns are to be placed outside of claims.Ī) ores and stone are processed and for sale e.g. Anyone planting outside of their claim does so at their own risk of losing it to others.įields/acres are to be renaturalized by the harvester at the end of their use (topsoil/forest soil over and irrigated, NO BREAK!). There shall be no sole ownership of dug tunnels, planted trees, or fields/acres. Outposts are to be placed in a space efficient manner: One outpost is allowed from claim level 3. Outpost locations must be approved by the GM’s in advance. (a) Acquired outposts shall be demolished.ī) The taken over claim establishes a new outpost after 14 days at the earliest. When establishing new claims, ensure sufficient distance from existing claims to avoid claim overlap.Ĭlaim takeovers/transfers are allowed by mutual agreement, but please note the following: RP will be conducted primarily on events between players. RP backstories for claims or characters are to be cleared with the GM’s.

warehouse life is feudal

Vacation substitutions must be registered with the GM’s. Secondary characters are allowed as vacation substitutes, these are to be deleted after termination. Secondary characters are not allowed to have their own claim. Second characters are allowed within their own claim. In order to maintain the best possible server performance and a peaceful coexistence, it’s unfortunately never completely without a minimum of rules….therefore, the following applies to us:

Warehouse life is feudal